
Evacuation Resources

Be prepared to evacuate at a moments notice. Check out these resources including packing a “go bag” and procuring digital information. Click the icons below to view or download the documents.

Protecting Your Home Resources

Explore resources on how to harden and protect your home from wildfire with these Home Hardening Resources, including a home preparation checklist, Firewise tips, and home retrofitting. Click the icons below to view or download the documents.

Evacuation P List and Go Bag “Why and What”

Essential components of being prepared for an emergency evacuation, like a wildfire, is creating a “P” List and a “Go – Bag.” 

A “P” (Preparation) List and a Go-Bag will help you:

(P)reserve and (P)rotect Life
(P)revent Loss and
(P)romote Recovery

During an emergency, human instinct responses, like PANIC, often hin-der ones ability to FOCUS, especially when time is a factor. A “P” list serves as a reminder of what is most important for you to do quickly.

P- List notations
  • Remind you to collect the most ESSENTIAL items in your house within a 5 -10 minute period before having to evacuate
  • Help sustain you for a period of at least 72 hours
  • Assist in rebuilding your life if everything is lost.
 Go- Bag contents
  • Promote physical comfort and wellbeing for family and pets
  • Contain first aid and emergency supplies
  • Help manage disaster recovery

Remember — your First (P)riority is always — LIFE SAFETY!

Are you ready?

Family Evacuation Video

Al Tahoe Firewise Resource Bank

Al Tahoe Firewise Facebook


Living with Fire Tahoe

El Dorado County Vegetation Management Ordinance

Get More Information on this new Ordinance

Ready for Wildfire

Firewise USA®

on the National Fire Protection Association Website

Al Tahoe Firewise Instagram

Register with code red for cell phone text and email notifications

El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Website

Lots of info! Check out the Chipper Program here.

CAL FIRE Amador-El Dorado Unit Facebook

El Dorado County outdoor burning information:

There is no burning allowed at any time in Al Tahoe and the City of  South Lake Tahoe!

Hardening our Homes and Defensible Space

Helpful Products

United Policyholders (UP) 

CalFire Incident Text Messages

Sign up with CalFire to get text messages about local fires and status updates:  click here .

Bear activity

The bears have been especially active in our neighborhood this year. Here is some information that could be helpful to homeowners with Bear break-ins.

General information

Electric mats

Electric fencing

Electric mats and fencing

Toogee Sielsch (Tahoe Toogee)

For advice, electric mat loan program, or eviction from under houses: call 775-315-0353

Adopt a Fire Hydrant

We are asking you to take notice of where the fire hydrants are located nearest to your home especially in the WINTER!

Adopting a fire hydrant is keeping the hydrant clear of snow so that firefighters have quick access if there is a fire. Those precious minutes could save your home or a neighbor’s home. Neighbors can join in and take turns with the snow removal. Thank you!

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