Al Tahoe Firewise USA®

Neighbors helping neighbors reduce wildfire risk.

Help us reduce combustible materials in our community.

About Us

In 2021, Al Tahoe became the first Firewise USA® neighborhood in the City
of South Lake Tahoe, CA and the largest Firewise USA® district in the Tahoe
Basin. We join a growing number of districts and communities across the
nation who are working to reduce wildfire risk.

Al Tahoe Firewise® is committed to educating and supporting the Al Tahoe community to prepare for wildfires and protect our neighbors and their property.

What is Firewise USA®?

The national Firewise USA® recognition program provides a collaborative framework to help neighbors in a geographic area get organized, find direction, and take action to increase the ignition resistance of their homes and community and to reduce wildfire risks at the local level.

The Firewise USA® program is administered by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA® )and is co-sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters.

Want to learn more about the Firewise Program?

Click the button below to find out more about it.

Who We Serve

Located in South Lake Tahoe, California, Al Tahoe is a Wildland Urban Interface community. We are bordered by the Truckee River Meadow to the southwest, Lake Tahoe to the north, and Highway 50 to the east. There are 1520 parcels, 1611 dwelling units, and a population of about 2235 in our district.

Your Defensible Space Matters

Our community efforts are making a difference. Firewise events and educational programs have provided opportunities for residents to become proactive with their defensible space management.  Our goal is to draw attention to what “can and should be done” on each parcel in our community.

Al Tahoe, the largest Firewise USA district in the Tahoe Basin, is leading the charge with 1520 parcels and 1611 dwelling units.

To achieve one of our Firewise community goals of reducing combustible materials by 50% in the next 3 years and to maintain our Firewise recognition, we need 100% participation from all residents and owners.

Every hour spent raking pine needles, every bag of combustible fuels removed, and every dollar invested in home survivability and attending Firewise events counts, and should be reported annually.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, August 3 9am – 4pm
Yard Clean Up and Chipping Day

Hosted by Al Tahoe Firewise.  Chipping Services provided by South Lake Tahoe Fire Rescue.

Enjoy refreshments and a meet and greet at 768 Los Angeles Ave.

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