Demo House
Our community efforts are making a difference. Firewise events and educational programs have provided opportunities for residents to become proactive with their defensible space management.
Our goal is to draw attention to what “can and should be done” on each parcel in our community. Below are BEFORE and AFTER pictures of one home on Freel Peak that had defensible space treatment applied by South Lake Tahoe Fire Rescue and Tahoe Douglas Zephyr Crews on our “Al Tahoe Clean-up Day” in 2020.
Every hour spent raking pine needles, every bag of combustible fuels removed, and every dollar invested in home survivability and attending Firewise events counts, and should be reported annually.
A demonstration on how to prepare defensible space around an Al Tahoe resident’s home was conducted on our “first” clean up day in 2020. A senior/disabled homeowner’s property was selected to have their property “hardened” and made “fire resistant” by the Tahoe Douglas Zephyr Fire Department and South Lake Tahoe Fire Rescue crew members.

Front Yard Pre Clean Up

Front Yard Post Clean Up

Back Yard Cleanup

Back Yard Post Cleanup
This “Demo” house provided residents with an example of what neighbors can do to provide defensible space around their homes to protect life and property in the event of a wildfire.
Thank you, Crews, for the tree and brush removal, trimming, thinning, and chipping, the removal of lumber, wood piles and combustible
materials around the home, and the raking of “3 dump load trucks” full of pine needles and debris from the yard and roof of this property.

Front with Crew Loading Truck